აირჩიეთ თქვენთვის სასურველი შეთავაზება და გახდით ჩვენი პარტნიორი
აპლიკაციაში ჩართვა
აპლიკაციის white label
back office
Enter your chargers in e-space app
App Description
Map – all chargers are displayed in a single space where users can check their status.
Navigation – tool showing the route from your location to the selected charger.
Payment – availability of two payment methods: until fully charged, or through indicating specific amount.
Favorites – create the list of frequently used chargers.
Charge several cars through a single user.
Business module description
Information panel – users have access to transactions, consumed electric energy, charger status, incomes, expenses and rating.
Tariffs – tariffs can be set separately as well as collectively.
Chargers can be grouped by location or price policy.
Users have access to full transaction package, report and export.
Specific chargers can be viewed by specific users only.
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What does it include?
configuration of existing app, control panel, business module code and services.
Additional services:
redesign, tools editing, addition. App support and updates.
Cloud base system
Protected server
OCPP 1.5/1.6 support
Data indexation and storage – all data is numbered and stored; besides, specific information is linked to the charger and can be searched easily through such linkage.
Remote start/end of transactions; unblocking of connector.
View meter readings.
Display charger status and locations on the map; display daily and monthly ongoing transactions on the dashboard.
აპლიკაციასთან დაკავშირება
End-point data exchange
Set up a test server and select communication protocol JSON/SOAP
Test basic commands in the virtual environment
Integrate services into back-office environment.
Real-time testing
აპლიკაციაში ჩართვა
აპლიკაციის white label
back office